ShiftForce Blog


Day 4 - The National Restaurant Association Show

We're in the home stretch! Day 4 of the NRA Show was a little hectic in the morning, but things smoothed out and the day turned out great. We had a lot of traffic in the booth and enjoyed visits by ShiftNote users from Jack Stack BBQ, The Original Pancake House, Fresh Brother's

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Day 3 - The National Restaurant Association Show

The third day for the ShiftNote team, 2nd day for attendees, of the National Restaurant Association Show has been crazy!!! Crazy good of course. I would have to think that today is going to be the busiest day of the show. We had people streaming into the ShiftNote booth left and

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Day 2 - The National Restaurant Association Show

We've had another fantastic day at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. Today marks day 1 for attendees of the show, but day 2 for the ShiftNote team. We came to the convention center bright and early to finish off the final touches of our display. And as soon as the

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Scheduling Notification Options: Text Alerts

Are you a current user of our employee scheduling software? If so, we've got new features!

New to our scheduling notification options, is the option to be alerted via text message about shift changes or pending shift requests. Previously employees were notified via email about open shifts, approved or denied requests, and schedule changes. Now they have the option to

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Multiple Currency Options

There are now multiple currency options for individual locations in each ShiftNote account. The currency format used to show as United States Dollars in the Stats section of the Daily Log, and you can now choose between the Pound, Riyal, or Australian Dollar.

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PPACA Series: Non-Discrimination Rules under PPACA

Healthcare Reform includes several provisions that apply to all groups, regardless of their size. One of the most important provisions for the food service industry is the new non-discrimination rules. Included in the PPACA requirements was the expansion of existing non-discrimination rules to small, fully-insured groups. These rules will have limited impact in some industries, but will have a significant

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