ShiftForce Blog

This Simple Rule Massively Impacts Your Sales

Sales forecasts can be stressful to say the least. But what if we told you that you could be focusing on less and achieving more? We've heard many theories over the best way to manage sales forecasts - some can be helpful, others not so much. Here at ShiftNote, we believe in Pareto's Principle - also known as the 80/20 rule. Trust us, this rule can be seen everywhere in a business. In fact, it's so prominent that it can and will help managers focus on the most important contributor to success (profits, of course)!

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Restaurant Sales Secrets Your Competitors Haven't Thought Of

Learn how to keep your restaurant booked from Dina Coventry, an experienced leader in the hospitality industry. She uncovers some {duh} moments that you wish you would've thought of before! These sales management tips are priceless and will help increase your restaurant sales in no time. It's all about numbers right? That is, the number of people you're catering to. Trust us, it's possible to keep your restaurant booked without working any harder!

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Memorial Day Blog Header Image

Memorial Day Restaurant Sales Strategies that Actually Work

Hello Summer, we missed you. Summer is the season of sunshine and sales, am I right? As a restaurant, it's VITAL to be prepared for these amazing months since summer is a big opportunity to capture more sales. A good way to kickstart your sales is to use Memorial Day to its fullest. Usually when you start out strong, you can finish strong!

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Leveraging Independence Day Sales Strategies

Ready to add a little spark and boom to your restaurant profit? Independence Day is not only a fun holiday celebrating the freedom of the United States. It is also an excellent opportunity to increase restaurant sales. When you brainstorm and implement Independence Day sales strategies, you will both increase sales on the holiday and create an opportunity to draw more new patrons into your restaurant, converting them to repeat customers. To help you create a strategic sales plan that is perfect for your restaurant’s budget and forecast, here are some ideas to help kickstart your 4th of July creativity.

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4 Ideas to Increase Mother's Day Restaurant Sales

What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than to take your mother out for a special meal? This is the thought that many dads and children have when planning the best way to shower their mother with appreciation and affection for the holiday. Capturing Mother’s Day sales can be tricky with the

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The Traditions and Best Dishes of Cinco de Mayo

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! The holiday has gained popularity in the US and Canada for the delicious dishes and tasty frozen beverages. But the origins of this holiday go back further. The food traditions and history that helped establish the holiday outside of Mexico give us insight into why Cinco de

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Restaurant Experts You Should Be Following in 2018

 Being a restaurant manager is no easy feat. Challenges in the workplace are ever-present – from developing smart systems, hiring and retaining good workers and training, to restaurant layout and menu preparation, and employee management, every day is filled with unique situations and
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Tips on Communication for Better Employee Scheduling

There are many tips and tricks that managers have to make their employee scheduling tasks easier and faster. From different ways to organize availability to how shifts overlap, everyone has their own “life hacks” that help streamline the process. However, there is a huge tip that will not only make your scheduling easier but all aspects of your management better - workplace communication. When you infuse better communication practices into your scheduling habits, you will see an improvement in your staff scheduling creation and a reduction in your turnover rate.

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Slow Sales Problem vs. Symptom

Here is the deal - often restaurants blame problems they are having on slow sales without looking at the reason for slow sales. Some restaurant owners even resolve themselves to believing that their restaurant just has an ongoing sales problem. But slow sales are

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