ShiftForce Blog

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Larry Struckman

Passionate about setting up systems and procedures that assure success, training, consulting, growing sales, strategic planning, creating "raving fan" customer service and just about anything related to food service. 25+ years in food and sales as well as growing hundreds of concepts with different operators (I have seen them all). I enjoy cooking, computer software, Taekwondo and spending time with my family. We started ShiftNote in 2007 to help organizations like yours create a better platform for shift-to-shift communication across their organization. Our purpose is to serve you with the best online digital logbook and employee scheduling software on the market so you can spend more time focusing on growing your business.

5 Ways to Create More Employee Engagement in the Workplace

Have you heard of the fable of the chicken and the pig?

When cooking a dish made of ham and eggs, the pig provides the ham -- which requires his sacrifice. The chicken provides the eggs, which are not difficult to produce. Thus the pig is really committed

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Tips For Opening A Restaurant

Whether you are in the restaurant industry or not, you might dream of opening a restaurant. But before you open the establishment’s doors, there are many details you need to consider. Luckily, we’re in the business of helping guide restaurants and hospitality

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Farm To Table Restaurant Trend - Is It Right For You?

The restaurant industry has experienced many dish and flavor trends throughout the decades. Some stick and some don’t, but staying ahead of the trends and betting on what will work can make your restaurant a leader in the market. One popular trend is the

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Social Selling: How To Make More Money With Your Customers By Catering To Their Personalities

In the front lines of a restaurant, your #1 focus is your customer and creating a memorable dining experience for them at your establishment. You have the ability to create deeper, even more memorable experiences if you understand who your customer is as a person, and how they are best communicated to. Mastering this "Art Of Hospitality" will ultimately get them to buy more from you

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Managing Employees With Accountability In The Workplace

Management is not an easy task. Each management style has its own pros and cons, but each employee also has their own preferred way of being managed. Often this can create issues in communication when managing employees and having accountability in the workplace. There is a little known secret to overcoming this roadblock - separating accountability and responsibility. While the terms may seem too similar to differentiate, understanding the difference can help your business improve  and grow with excellent communication between management and employees.

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The Importance of Passion in the Workplace

Employees are the backbone of any business, but particularly in the hospitality industry. Well-trained, passionate employees can make or break your business. Unlike hard skills, like how to use a POS system, soft skills like passion cannot be taught.

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How to Start a Food Truck Business

Many hospitality workers dream of owning their own business one day. Or maybe you already do, but you want to try out something different on the side. You might have been in a kitchen for years following someone else’s direction, or maybe you want to

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