ShiftForce Blog

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Jacey Lamb

Jacey is the Inbound Marketing Specialist for ShiftNote and is passionate about helping businesses grow. She loves all things digital marketing - especially social media. She makes sure to continue learning every day to build on her knowledge. Outside of her career, she enjoys going to the gym, eating delicious food, and spending time with friends and family (and pets, of course).

Restaurant Marketing Promotions for Back to School That Actually Work

It’s back to school season yet again, which means families are busier than ever. Here comes the fall activities and parents turning into taxi cabs. And don’t forget about all the busy teachers grading homework and coaching football. How does this relate to your restaurant, you ask? Well, you can take advantage of the back to school season and increase your restaurant sales if you adjust your marketing! Keep reading to find out what works to increase sales during these busy bee back to school days.

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#ManagerLife: Schedule Anywhere with Technology

We all know being a manager comes with endless responsibilities. And I’m sure we can agree that scheduling employees is one of the most dreaded responsibilities of them all. Using paper calendars or Excel sheets that have to be constantly updated every time an employee needs to make a shift change (which happens too often in shift work) is a dying trend. Why?

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10 Causes of Employee Turnover and How To Correct Them


Employee turnover. Every employer’s nightmare, amiright? If you think turnover rates are improving, I hate to break it to you, but you’re wrong. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, total turnover rates in 2018 were 44.3%. Yes, you read that right. But that’s an average of all the industries. Total turnover for the hospitality industry was 76.7% in 2018. If you’re internally crying right now from those statistics, don’t worry. Let me wipe those tears and fears away by explaining 10 common, but fixable, company turnover mistakes.

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This Simple Rule Massively Impacts Your Sales

Sales forecasts can be stressful to say the least. But what if we told you that you could be focusing on less and achieving more? We've heard many theories over the best way to manage sales forecasts - some can be helpful, others not so much. Here at ShiftNote, we believe in Pareto's Principle - also known as the 80/20 rule. Trust us, this rule can be seen everywhere in a business. In fact, it's so prominent that it can and will help managers focus on the most important contributor to success (profits, of course)!

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Memorial Day Blog Header Image

Memorial Day Restaurant Sales Strategies that Actually Work

Hello Summer, we missed you. Summer is the season of sunshine and sales, am I right? As a restaurant, it's VITAL to be prepared for these amazing months since summer is a big opportunity to capture more sales. A good way to kickstart your sales is to use Memorial Day to its fullest. Usually when you start out strong, you can finish strong!

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